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Messier 2

It is a star cluster and is also known as object number two in the catalog: M2. M2 is one of the largest clusters of its kind, measuring approximately 150,000 stars and 150 light-years across. This object was discovered in the year 1746 by Jean Dominique Maraldi, a French astronomer and mathematician.▷ Los objetos Messier: M2, cúmulo globular — AstrobitácoraHere is more information. 

This is the spectrum that Ihave obtained from JS9:

Peak A obtains Zinc 

Peak B obtains Selenium

Peak C obtains lanthanum

Peak D obtains europium

The total area is 57177973

Peak A area= 3820593.7--------------

Peak B area=3016878------------

Peak C area=2199117.9------------

Peak D area= 6122101.6-----------

The results are:

6.7% of Zinc 

5.27% of Selenium 

3.84% of lanthanum

10.7% of europium

I have found this article where they say that it is a very metallic global cluster. They don't mention the same elements as me but I think that it is remarkable that during my study I have notified three metallic elements (zinc, lanthanum and europium).